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$250.30 New record-high price (per ton) on Russia's oil export duties as of Oct. 1 (перевод без оригинала) ( Контрольная работа, 3 стр. )
"This Side of Paradise" by F.S. Fitzgerald (текст на 6000 знаков и перевод) ( Контрольная работа, 6 стр. )
"Метафорический перенос английских прилагательных со значением цвета" ( Курсовая работа, 42 стр. )
"Момент, когда мы предаемся нашим слабостям, земля меняется" (Емерсон). "Не говори о растраченных чувствах. Чувства никогда не были растрачены" (Лонгфеллоу). ( Контрольная работа, 5 стр. )
(вариант работы) Контрольное задание I Вариант I I. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий и сравнительные союзы: 1. The more you study special subjects the better speci ( Контрольная работа, 12 стр. )
. Ann, go to a blackboard, please. Read a text five, please 242 ( Контрольная работа, 7 стр. )
. Australia occupies the eighth place for volume of industrial production 45675874 ( Контрольная работа, 3 стр. )
. Ecological problems of the lake Baikal and the Aral Sea region 532авв ( Контрольная работа, 25 стр. )
. Economists study our everyday life. The economists' studies should be strictly objective and scientific. 44 ( Контрольная работа, 13 стр. )
. Give Russian equivalents for the following 55 ( Контрольная работа, 26 стр. )
. Scientists and engineers have worked out many special devices 7855 ( Контрольная работа, 4 стр. )
. The reactor is fast becoming a major source of heat and electricity кц4422 ( Контрольная работа, 3 стр. )
. We know plastics to be applied to almost every branch of building 7855 ( Контрольная работа, 3 стр. )
. Омонимия существительных в английском языке 69855 ( Контрольная работа, 29 стр. )
. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык. Вставьте нужный артикль: a) a; b) an; c) the; d) - . 5 ( Контрольная работа, 12 стр. )
. Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в каждом из них видо - временную форму и залог глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 68087 ( Контрольная работа, 5 стр. )
. Практическое исследование употребления ономатопеи в английской литературе 65 ( Контрольная работа, 14 стр. )
. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык 5322422 ( Контрольная работа, 5 стр. )
. Прочитать и перевести диалог "Business talk". 7806 ( Контрольная работа, 5 стр. )
. Прочтите и письменно переведите текст, выполните задания к нему. 353вв ( Контрольная работа, 29 стр. )
. Фразеология английского языка. Особенности перевода фразеологизмов. к24311 ( Контрольная работа, 25 стр. )
1. In the 1898 French educator and thinker … … proposed that the Olympic Games of ancient Greece be revived to promote a more peaceful world. - В 1898 году французский ученый и мыслитель предложил возродить Олимпийские игры Древней Греции, чтобы содейство ( Контрольная работа, 4 стр. )
1. Now a new building of a student hostel is being built not far from the academic building of the university. 33 ( Контрольная работа, 5 стр. )



As a result, park officials now limit chimp-watching groups to six and a guide, all of whom must stay at least ten meters from the animals. Trackers go out before wake in the morning; look for nests, droppings, and fruit scraps; and radio back as soon as they locate chimps. Depending on where they have been feeding, reaching the chimps may involve a five-minute boat-ride down the beach or a four-hour hike toward a mountain summit. Once we reach the ten-meter limit, we must don surgical masks and content ourselves with onr hour of observation per day - regulations intended to reduce the risk of contangion. "Keep track of your belongings, because some of the chimps are curious and have not heard about ten-meter rule", Kabeth quips.

In the morning Kabeth brings news that the trackers have located Pimu, M-group's current alpha male, a thirty-minute walk behind the camp. "Be ready to go in ten minutes", he says. "If Pimu decides to move, the others will follow. Chimps travel fast, so they might be hours away if we delay."

Carrying cameras, rain ponchos, water bottles, and our surgical masks, we enter the forest along paths covered in dead leaves, clambering over fallen branches and under huge creepers, using walking sticks to ease stiff hips and knees. Where I see a wall of green, Kabeth sees a salad bar and a pharmacy. There are primitive three-leafed cabbages, fragrant ginger, wild licorice; plants that can ease difficult births or induce abortions; and those that can relieve diarrhea, malaria, and tuberculosis.He shows a sticky-furred aspilia leaves that chimps roll and swallow whole to rid their systems of parasites, and tiny, blue, cup-shaped flowers that the Batongwe people, who once shared the forest, squeezed for eye-drops. One of the more than 500 plant and tree species, Mahale chimps eat 128 and use 123 as medicines.

The members of M-group don't always gather in a big group, but they recognise one another's voices. Obsessive pant-granting (the soft call chimps use to show submission) and pant-hooting (rapid screams broken by sharp intakes of breath conveying excitement) are the chimpanzee equivalent of IM-ing, indicating to both chimps and researchers who is hanging out with whom, or who's uo or who's down on the social ladder. We hear their pant-hoots before we see the three male chimps - bigger than I have ever seen in captivity, with barrel chests and massive arms and thighs - knuckle-running down the path. Pimu, the twenty-one-year-old alpha animal, is trailed by Primus, the number three, and Orion, whom Kabeth recognizes by the white scar on his glossy black back.

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